The live-in care agency has adopted the charity Homes in Zimbabwe which provides food and medicine to the elderly in the strife-torn country.
They appealed to their clients and carers to donate equipment they no longer needed and soon filled a container from floor to ceiling.
“Our clients and carers were brilliant and we’d like to thank them for their generosity,” said Managing Director of Corinium Care, Camilla Miles.
Her staff asked for anything from Zimmer frames and beds to bandages and spectacles.
“We didn’t think we’d fill a truck so quickly but soon after we’d sent out an appeal, we were overwhelmed with all sorts of things,” added Camilla. “The response was amazing.”
Corinium Care adopted HIZ after Camilla met the charity’s front man in Gloucestershire, Sean Kelly, 55, who was born in Zimbabwe and left shortly after Robert Mugabe came to power.He was in Nailsworth to collect the equipment and get it shipped to Africa.
“This is great,” he said. “The situation in Zimbabwe is desperate and we need all the help we can get. We’re really grateful that Corinium Care is able to support us.”
Camilla added: “A lot of our carers come from Zimbabwe so this struck a chord with the whole company.”
“They have told us how desperate it is for pensioners who find themselves destitute, and we decided to give something back.”Corinium Care, based in George Street, specialises in providing 24-hour live-in care for the elderly and infirm. It has 800 registered carers on its books. It has recruitment offices in New Zealand, Zimbabwe and South Africa.
Anyone who wants to support HIZ can do so at www.justgiving.com/Coriniumcare