Staff and residents of the Edith Duly Nursing Home in Bulawayo were overwhelmed by the shipment from Gloucestershire.
It included walking frames, wheelchairs, walking sticks and hearing aids which are like gold dust in the strife-torn country.
“It was as if Christmas had arrived on their doorstep,” said Corinium Care Managing Director Camilla Miles who flew out to visit the nursing home in November.
“Because we’d asked everyone to support us, I wanted to see with my own eyes what was happening to everything you all donated.
“There is no doubt that absolultely nothing will be wasted. The staff are the most magnificent people who do amazing work in very trying circumstances.
“They have to grow their own vegetables because they can’t get them in the shops, the water supply and electricity supplies are intermittent, the medicine cupboard is pretty bare, and the cooker had to be seen to be believed.
“The elderly people being cared for have lost everything.”
The company decided to adopt the charity Homes in Zimbabwe in 2010 because many of our live-in carers come from the African country. Being a carer in the UK offers an income and a safe haven.
“The stories they tell us about life in Zimbabwe made us realise that there is a real need, and we wanted to give something back,” said Camilla.
That was the cue for the start of a year of fundraising. Corinium staff have pumped iron at the gym, pedalled miles through the Cotswolds, baked delicious cakes and, with the support of carers and clients, have now sent a truck load of equipment to Zimbabwe.
Together our staff, clients and carers have raised a staggering £6,000 for HIZ. Thankyou so much!
“It’s been an amazing year and we’re very grateful that everyone has responded so generously,” said Camilla.
Homes In Zimbabwe provides food and medicine to the elderly who are in desperate need because of the collapse of the economy.
It is the largest supplier of food to pensioners in Zimbabwe. It supports a soup kitchen and a mobile clinic taking vital medicines to those who need them.
Anyone who wants to support HIZ can do so at